I ship parts to Canada and most other countries so try here first for your parts needs!
Parts Inventories from overstocked or closing Sea Doo shops. If you have parts or know of a Sea Doo dealer in your area that is closing, e-mail me with the details.
Blown or wrecked Sea Doo watercraft in the Ohio vicinity. If you have one, e-mail me with description and price.
Featured Sale Items

Aftermarket MPEMs!
Is your LCD
Hard to read?

Check out this
Gauge repair kit!
Have VTS on your
1995-up Sea Doo?

NEW Button Kit
Is now available!
Fuel Filter Element
Fits Most 2 Stroke
Carb Sea Doos

$17.99 inc. shipping
e-mail me if interested
Dual Carb
High Volume
Fuel Pump Kit

Fits 38 40 44 mm
Mikuni Carbs
Driveline Seal Assemblies
VTS Boot Upgrade Kit
1989-96 AntiRattle Update
Fuel Float Kit
SeaDoo Tool Rental!
New Components
Accessories & More
Fuel/Air Parts
Nuts Bolts Etc...
Misc. Parts
Used Components
787/947 CB Reservoir Oil
1995-2004 VTS Test Info
4 Stroke Fault Codes
1995 & UP VTS Info
Fuel Economy Chart
Jetboat Engine Ref.
PWC Engine Ref. Chart
Choke Cable Info Chart
Coil Reference Chart
Crankshaft Exploded Views
Driveshaft ID Chart
Engine Torques Specs
Fuel Baffle Chart
Gauge Information
Impeller Info Chart
Kit Info Chart
Mikuni Carb Specs
Mikuni Test Info
MPEM Ref & Prog.
MPEM Test Info
Non-Wired MPEM Test
My Opinion on Oil...
Part Numbers List
Rotax Case ID
Rotax Engine Info
Sea Doo Models 1989-2007
Sea Doo Paint Codes
Seat Reference Chart
SD Spark Plug Info
029/358 VTS Module Test
Water Flooded 2 Stroke
Wear Ring Removal
Used Parts
Technical Info
Sea Doo Tool Rental!
A site that has free
Jetboat manuals
and other related
info found here!
I offer NOS parts for Sea Doo watercraft and my prices are usually lower than you’ll find anywhere else! The part you receive will be in new condition unless noted in its’ description. Since I sell outdated inventory from dealers who no longer carry Sea Doo, the packaging may have dirt on it, may be damaged, opened or missing, but that doesn’t affect the part in any way.
If you need a part you don't find on this site, e-mail me with the model, year, and part you need and I'll see what I can do for you.
Sea Doo Tips
To avoid expensive
electrical system damage
jump start your ski
with a running vehicle!!
Change your pump oil
every 50 hours and
you’ll save money in
the long run !
Battery dying in your Trim
equipped 1995 up Sea Doo?
Disconnect your VTS unit.
If that fixes the problem
the module probably has
failed due to moisture.
Every time you have
your engine compartment
open, grab the motor and
give it a pull to make sure
your motor mounts are in
good shape. Broken mounts
can cause driveline and pipe
problems if not caught early!
Save money and time
by doing repairs yourself
instead of using a dealer!
The area above is always changing so check back often as links are added.
Bad Experiences with Sea Doo Dealers, Repair Shops, Engine Builders, and...
Well... I’m going to say in advance I’ll bet this page is really going to get some people wound up! Over the years I’ve heard many horror stories from people who have taken their Sea Doo boat or PWC to a dealer or repair shop for a simple repair and got the shaft. There’s also many people out there who rebuild engines and do other services that have shoddy products and practices so you need to know about them as well. Therefore I’m now assembling this page to help people avoid those guys or at least know what to expect if you have to deal with them.
At first, I’m just posting below peoples accounts of their experiences with the dealer name, location and date as I get them but if this list gets really long I’ll be listing by state. Also remember that sometimes a shop gets a ski that’s a nightmare. I’ve seen ones that take numerous hours and still aren’t to the customers satisfaction no matter what the dealer does. Don’t let someone who had that kind of experience dissuade you from using that shop. Instead watch for blatant ripoffs and overcharging as well as poor work. Those guys should stand out below and I’m sure you’ll probably eventually end up seeing more than one instance from the same shop I’ll bet. Also remember a dealers main goal is to get you into a new watercraft and that’s pretty much why you’re going to get run over the coals if you have a 2 stroke in for repairs. In the end if you can fix it yourself, you will probably be much better off!
Finally, my attorney tells me I have no problem posting peoples personal accounts and stories here so if you’re one of the shops in question, please don’t ask me to edit or remove a post. Instead work with your customers and improve your practices. That’s what this page is really for!
If you want to add your story to this page, e-mail me your detailed experience with shop or business name, date, and location. If it meets the criteria for this page, I’ll post it. Also please don’t say "joe smith is a moron who doesn’t know a wrench from a screwdriver" without providing accurate details since I won’t post those. The purpose of this page isn’t to call people names and make people look bad, it’s to show facts and that alone will most likely make them look bad!
Added 3/26/2010
"Here is the local dealer story--. From me, there are 3 dealers that are within about a 30 min. drive. So when I need something, I call all 3 but they never have anything. AND--I always get the story about the 2 stroke boat being "out dated". The best part is that you will get 3 different prices from the 3 different stores. Sometimes the prices are better in the morning than they are in the afternoon. By now I'm sure you're convinced I'm nuts! But, I make time to make the calls and it's become a game. Different store, different time of the day, different parts guy equals different $. I did find one parts guy that has told me to ask for him and if I have the part #, he will give me a discount. Thing is, I don't really buy that much, but I have a Honda motorcycle too, and he sells both, so good deal for me.
As far as the blown engine story. The boat came from Dale Penton in Elyria, Ohio. You may know the store since you are in Ohio as well. From there it came with me to Winter Haven, Fl. I ran it around the "chain of lakes" and babied the thing w/ extra oil and all that is recommended. Never varied. There was a dealer there that had a small place right on one of the lakes. Had lots of boats, dock out back, water skis, you name it. Even sold Ski Nautique boats and had a following of local water ski fanatics. Dropped off the boat for the 10hr service and a water check and in a few days got a call that it was ready. Went over and got it and went straight to the lake and put it. There was no describing the sound when I pressed the starter. Sort of a mix of grinding beer cans and broken glass. Back on the trailer it goes and back to the store I go. The service manager went nuts. Told me it was perfect when it left and I was trying to blame them for my mistake. What mistake---? All I did was start it. From the street in front of the store I called SeaDoo and got customer service and told the lady there the story. I was advised to get the boat out of there and call from home. I did. The next step was to take it to a different dealer for an evaluation. Customer service told me to take it to Barnies in St. Petersburg, Fl. I did that and they made the call. If my memory serves correct, they said there was oil in the oil tank but none in the lines. My fault?--don't think so. Barnies put the new engine in the boat and it has been fine ever since. I went through the oil in the tank and speed variation routine again for break-in and I guess I'm happy. The customer service rep did tell me that the Winter Haven dealer had had complaints logged with the company. Not long after my experience they were out of business. Guess I could take the boat back to St. Pete but that a long haul even though I'm on the coast now."
Visitors - since 2/29/2008
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